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Following these steps are important for your lips to heal flawlessly!

Please remember that both before and after care apply to your touch-up as well, so plan accordingly!


Before your appointment:


  • Avoid excessive sun exposure and tanning for 2 weeks prior to your appointment
  • Avoid lip fillers for at least 3 weeks prior to your appointment 
  • Discontinue taking any blood thinners for at least 5 days.

To prevent excessive bleeding and poor color deposit:

  • Do not consume alcohol or caffeine - including tea and soda, at least 24 hours prior to your appointment

  • Do not take (or discontinue taking) Ibuprofen (Advil and all other kinds), aspirin, vitamin E, fish oil, or any blood thinners, at least 48 hours prior to your appointment

  • Do not smoke the day of your appointment, or at least 5 hours prior

  • Do not partake in heavy workouts the day of your appointment



***** Use a lip scrub (you can make one using coconut oil and sugar as well) once a day for about a week prior to your appointment to exfoliate and prep your lip texture. Crusty, dry, and peeling lips will have a rough surface, preventing proper pigment saturation and a poor healed result. Use the morning of your appointment as well - do not over scrub to the point that you have raw or compromised skin.

Make sure to use a lip conditioner, mask, or balm daily (at least a week) prior to your appointment to ensure lips are in great shape. 


***** IMPORTANT: If you have a history of cold sores or are prone to them, you will have to start taking an anti-viral prescription (Valacyclovir, Denavir (Penciclovir), Valtrex or Acyclovir (Zovirax)), at least 4-7 days BEFORE your appointment. You must contact your physician and ask for a prescription. Cold sore outbreaks are often triggered by stress or trauma to the lips and skin. Therefore, lip blush procedure will most likely cause an outbreak if you do not take an anti-viral medication prior. Your appointment WILL be cancelled if you have had a history of cold sores and do not follow these instructions (with cancellation fees). Cold sores will affect the healing process, your results, and can even lead to scarring. Please do not skip this step.


After care:

It is now up to you to take care of your lips and ensure they heal well! The healing process is really important for proper ink retention and best results, so make sure to follow them carefully!


Your lips may look quite swollen post-procedure, and definitely very bright! It can take approximately 5-7 days for your lips to fully peel off. As they continue to peel, your lips will look patchy and it discolored or uneven! The skin is healing itself and the ink will start to pick up and even out in the next few weeks. So do not panic, just follow these instructions as carefully as you can!


  • If you are experiencing a lot of swelling, you can ice the lip area - this can also help prevent any bruising

  • Day 1: Use a wetted paper towel to pat clean the lips. Do this every 30-60 mins. Gently pat dry with clean paper towel afterwards. Apply a thin layer of ointment provided (Aquaphor) afterwards. Do not let the lips go dry.

  • Day 2-5: Continue same instructions but every 1-2 hours. Cleaning and moisturizing your lips often is very important. Do not let the lips dry.

  • Make sure you wash and dry your hands prior to touching them.

  • Change your pillowcase the day of your appointment and avoid sleeping on your face.

  • Avoid getting your lips wet aside from cleaning them. Avoid heavy humidity or sweating (including saunas, facials, hot tubs, steam-rooms, heavy works out, sunbathing/tanning, etc.) all for about a week - or until the peeling is complete

  • Avoid spicy foods, try to eat with fork (rather than biting into burgers etc.), and drink from a straw for the first 3 days at least

  • Avoid kissing until peeling is complete

  • Do not exercise for 5-7 days post appointment

  • Do not apply any makeup on or near the lips for about a week (until peeling is done)

  • Do not apply any ointments, etc. aside from Aquaphor until the peeling is complete

  • Do not pick at or peel your lips, this will remove the ink from your lips

  • Avoid sun exposure for about 2 weeks after the appointment. SPF lip balms are recommended post peeling if under the sun!

  • No lip fillers for at least 2 weeks after the procedure.

  • Once done peeling, applying any products containing lactic, AHA (glycol and lactic acids), retinol acids, vitamins A, C, and E on your lips will fade your pigment significantly and quickly. This is long term, even after the peeling is done. Avoid lightening and exfoliating products on lips.

  • Do not donate blood for at least 6 months following your procedure.

  • Let your doctor know of your microblading for MRIs - as the ink we use may contain some metals

  • If you experience any excessive swelling, blistering, or puss, consult a doctor as the area may be infected.


Swelling should reside within 24 hours. The lips will look very bright, will peel for almost a week, and then will gradually gain more color as the lips heal. It can take approximately 40 days for the ink to pick back up. Any areas that have remained faint or needs perfecting will be perfected at the touch-up appointment! Lips should heal 30-40% lighter than how they look initially. Permanent makeup is a multi-step process and will definitely need at least one touch-up (4-12 weeks after initial session) to ensure the best results!

Do not panic, the healing process can be a little worrisome but it’s all a part of the process to perfect the lips! 


If you have any questions or concerns with your healing of the lips, please feel free to contact me to discuss further instructions.


Enjoy your lips! :)

Before/After Care: Terms of Use
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